Category: publication

  • Thank you

    Whakawhetai ki a koutou, massive thanks for all your support during 2018. then the wind came was successfully launched at the Dunedin Athenaeum Library on December 14th, and it was beautiful to see so many people attending. We writers can’t do this without support, be that encouragement, critique, hugs, or…

  • Book Launch Week

    Whā. Four…more sleeps until ‘then the wind came’ is launched. I’m obviously excited now that I’m counting down the sleeps. Today, the wonderful Poppie Johnson at Crux Queenstown posted an article about the book. If you would like a copy you can email:, or check their website from…

  • Invitation

    Nau mai haere mai. You’re invited to the book launch of then the wind came, my debut collection of stories and poetry. If you can’t make the launch in Ōtepoti Dunedin, you are very welcome to contact the publisher directly for pre-order information. Details are on the event page.…

  • Mōteatea poem

    Mōteatea is a new poem, written and recorded in response to an exhibition by Beth Caird on grief processes, at Blue Oyster Art Project Space in Ōtepoti Dunedin. It has just been published by the wonderful people at Blue Oyster – here’s the link It was important to record…

  • Publication

    Bonsai. A little beauty that a story of mine has been woven into. Ka pai 🙂 Stories from Aotearoa New Zealand, short form fiction, flash fiction and prose poetry. A collection from 165 of us for your reading pleasure.

  • Exciting news

    Kia ora WordPress whānau, it’s finally time to share the aroha   March: ‘then the wind came’ accepted for publication… April: Met my publisher… May: Tweaked the manuscript… June: Edits and first typeset copy received…  July: Cover artwork in progress… RELEASE DATE tbc 

  • Easter Weekend

    What a weekend Easter was!  A new story ‘Toetoe’ has been published with the wonderful peeps at Flash Frontier, in their Pasifika issue …and another story ‘Swan’ has been long listed with Reflex Fiction …and there’s something else, but I’ll save that for later, watch this space.  

  • Pacific Monsters

    Here you go folks 🙂 Pacific Monsters is out!

  • New Story

    Kia ora WordPress whānau, What an awesome surprise, to see my story ‘Rabid Dogs’ up on Reflex Fiction and #longlisted yesterday! There are a few more goodies of mine (writing-wise) in the pipeline before Kirihimete (Christmas). The Nottingham Peacebuilders Anthology, Pacific Monsters Anthology (Fox Spirit Books), public speaking (eek)…

  • Nottingham Peacebuilders

    I’m humbled to have a new story ‘Split’ included in the Nottingham Peacebuilders Anthology ‘Small Acts of Kindness’. If you’re in the area (sadly I can’t jump on an international flight) check out the launch at Waterstones Nottingham, November 25th. From one UNESCO City of Literature (Dunedin, New Zealand) to…

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