Category: perspectives

  • Hui Podcast

    It’s the strangest thing hearing myself played back after public speaking. Here’s the podcast link (for anyone who is interested) to my kōrero from the Creative Cities Southern Hui in Ōtepoti Dunedin. I’m No.10 on the list, but the others are well worth a listen too if you have the time.…

  • Narcissus

    Spring flowers. And those who speak in swathes—almost entirely about themselves. Scented-sweet, until their dripping sap prickles at my skin and feels ugly. Envy marks me, before I am cast adrift. For I cannot reinforce their purported-truth-precipices. Lost reflections, too fathomless to acquiesce. Spring flowers.

  • Views

    Sometimes it’s difficult to know what to blog about. Like today. But I’ve promised both of us (you dear readers and myself) that I would write at least once a week (in this format). And being one for setting the bar at an acceptable level (aka not writing drivel for the sake of…

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