Category: culture

  • Monsters Conversation

    Kia ora WordPress whānau, Sharing a kōrero (conversation) I contributed to, along with other Indigenous writers from the Pacific Monsters Anthology. Kia ora to the Institute of Classical Studies in London, for the opportunity to contribute to this wonderful and enriching kōrero. Iona x

  • an opinion piece

    Yes, yes, slacker alert blog-wise! It’s been a bonkers fortnight, with little time for anything other than work and sleep, and the odd chat with the chooks. Zero writing accomplished, but there’s always tomorrow. Yesterday I got home early from work (for a change), made a cuppa and looked through my social media links.…

  • Pain Bodies

    I am reminded of pain, by way of my body today. I don’t mean the pain you get from banging an elbow on the car door. I’m referring to other kinds of pain, which collect within us and are often left unattended. Physical pain is perhaps more visible, and seen as ‘treatable’ in our scientific world. Yet…

  • Waitangi Day

    It’s Waitangi Day today and I am reminded of duality in me, in the melding of my two streams of whakapapa – Celtic and Māori. Both have come together in me. But there has often been conflict, miscommunication and a pull between the two – where do I belong? Today I am reminded, that what was agreed…

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