Category: compassion

  • in-between

    i have let go but you remain clinging life, death and the in-between   we stand around with words that escape us life, death and the in-between   a boat stuck in sand you wait for the tide life, death and the in-between          

  • Invisibility

    Someone I love dearly suffers (at times) from severe mental health issues. They are often rendered invisible, due to keeping a brave face on. I wish they didn’t have to do that, because then people think they’re ok all the time. Sure sometimes they are ok, achieving the most wonderful things,…

  • Ode to You

    I remember you, when you were young. Your rounded face was full of tenderness and wonder. I can still hear your laughter, a deep chuckle far beyond your years. You knew things we didn’t.   But now, an enraged beast resides, hacking away, just beneath the surface, of your beautiful…

  • Poverty at Christmastime

    I’ve been pondering poverty today. Nothing new there, I often do, especially around Christmastime. I know it’s not light and happy and fluffy, but its real and exists and I am not blind to it. I read a great blog this morning about poverty in Aotearoa, and how our governing politicians refuse to believe that…

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