a liminal gathering

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We are currently fundraising for a liminal gathering, the Elixir & Star Press 2023 Grief Almanac https://www.boosted.org.nz/projects/a-liminal-gathering

a liminal gathering is a loving collection of poetry, prose, essays, photography, visual art and music, from 103 New Zealand based artists, addressing their personal experiences of grief. As an almanac reflects seasons, planetary alignments, the night sky and tips for planting, a liminal gathering creates space for connection to the natural cycles of life and death. 

All expressions of grief were welcomed during our submissions window, since grief by its very essence is a universal experience. a liminal gathering celebrates the destigmatisation of grief, by making it relatable through multiple creative lenses, and to normalise the expression of grief. This book seeks to provide comfort, and act as a taonga to be shared between loving hands, during difficult times. 

This Boosted campaign is to raise funds for: the printing of a liminal gathering, to provide a small koha to contributing artists, and to hold two book launches in Dunedin and Auckland during November. While Boosted is a reward-free platform, there is a platform fee, and the cost for this has been included in our fundraising goal of $14,000. 

You can follow the story of Elixir & Star Press on our Instagram @elixirandstarpress and Facebook @elixir-star-press-aotearoa-new-zealand pages.

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