Art galleries as inspiration

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Last month I was invited to attend a workshop and respond to the Paemanu: Tauraka Toi – A Landing Place, exhibition at the Dunedin Public Art Gallery.

Visiting art galleries a fantastic way to gain inspiration, through looking at artworks I’ve not seen before, and because, more often than not, new words will usually come. It’s also great thing to do when I’ve been in a dry phase – something I must remember.

Here’s one of the toikupu (poems) Hoe (paddle) that I wrote in response to the exhibition, which was a gathering of artists Indigenous to the south, who explored relationships with Tohorā (southern right whale), ancestral connections, waterways and land.


I watch as your hoe twists 

like the spine of an ancient tuna, its whetū eyes alit

you                 now know more                    than I

were I to drag my coracle across your ribcage

I imagine respite might be found, in the hollow at the base of your throat

but the umbilical taoka taut and rippled tethers us 

indivisible, despite our abstracted waka

I watch as your hoe twists 

like the spine of an ancient tuna, its whetū eyes alit

you                 now know more                    than I

Photo credit: Justin Spiers

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