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This Monday was momentous, in several ways.

After almost a decade managing the negative effects of vaginal mesh, I saw a specialist who confirmed that this was exactly what I had been dealing with. No question. And the relief was surreal. But could I actually believe what she said? Or was it a dream? That’s taken a few days to sink in, I’ll be honest.

For years I’ve heard a variety of narratives, including the following:

  1. It’s because of all your previous surgeries.
  2. It’s because you went through menopause so young.
  3. We can’t find anything wrong with you.
  4. There’s no evidence of mesh issues.
  5. It’s not that bad.

The same day, the wonderful Corpus published an essay about my experience https://corpus.nz/vaginalmesh-not-pelvicmesh-lets-call-it-what-it-is-ne/

So many women have contacted me it’s been overwhelming. To hear that my words have been useful, in terms of naming our shared experiences, shared pain, and shared complications is the best outcome for me. I wrote this because the need to do so could no longer be ignored (call me stubborn), but I hoped that other women might relate to my words too.

Being seen, heard and validated has lifted something weighty from my shoulders. And now the big work begins. To prepare for the largest surgery I’ve ever had, and a long recovery afterwards. I’ll continue speaking up because (let’s face it) now my vagina is out in the public arena the only way to go is forwards! And I know, there’s nothing to be gained from remaining silent.

Iona x

One response to “#vaginalmesh”

  1. 2going4tea Avatar

    Kia ora Iona,
    Thanks so much for what you are gifting to women.
    Your experience, voice, and with I’m sure enormous relief, the profound experience of validation.

    Kia Kaha


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