Victor Billot lives in Ōtepoti Dunedin and grew up in Warrington, where he says ‘the natural environment was omnipresent.’ 🌳


With three self-published poetry collections, his work has appeared in anthologies and journals in Aotearoa and Australia. He currently has a manuscript ‘under consideration’ by a publisher, and is reading ‘A Planet For Sale’ by Yos.

Victor works at Otago University Press, has two sons aged 10 and 7 who are giving him lessons in online battle games, and performs with his band Alpha Plan.

He comments: ‘It is a really interesting time to be around for poetry (and short/flash/micro fiction) as there is so much going on. I think Dunedin is a very supportive and open community for writers of all kinds.’

For more on Victor please follow this link:

2 responses to “Part 4: other writers…”

  1. Victor Avatar

    Thanks Iona!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Victor Avatar

    Reblogged this on Victor Billot.


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