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It takes gumption to write. AND keep on writing. img_0812

Ten days ago I was long listed for the Bath Flash Fiction Award. One of fifty chosen from over 700 entries.


The story will be published in their anthology later this year. Ka rawe.

But I struggle with what to say on social media. Not great at blowing my own trumpet, it’s quite a process around how much (or how little) to say.

#amwriting is a frequent hash tag in my efforts to stay connected out there in ether-land.

For me less is more, which is how I write. Short. Deep. No faffing around. Funny that this also matches both my stature and personality. I wonder if anyone has done research on that?

AND I’ve begun a new project: a novella-in-flash. The research (to date) tells me that this is anything but a new style of writing. As far back as the 14th century there were writers who chose this form. Edgar Allen Poe and his ‘tales’ ring any bells?

#amwriting as often as I can (when not at the day job).

This means chipping away at the bits and pieces I already have. It means editing, refining, throwing out, re-working, deleting, being ruthless, and discovering gems that are often unearthed. AND it means creating more.

From my desk to yours WordPress whānau. Mā te wā (see you later),

Iona 🙂


3 responses to “#amwriting”

  1. 12kathryne Avatar

    Very good 👏❤️

    Sent from my iPad



  2. Ben Avatar

    Congrats on the Bath flash fiction award. I’m similar in terms of short and deep (not stature though!) – extracting as much meaning from as few words as possible is so satisfying 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Iona Winter Avatar

      Kia ora Ben, thanks for your feedback. I totally agree – it is very satisfying 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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