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Kia ora WordPress whānau,

Today I’ve had a short story published in The Island Review. This story was submitted before I travelled to Edinburgh (from Aotearoa, New Zealand) to read at the International Book Festival last year.

It’s wonderful to have ‘Karanga’, as read in Charlotte Square Gardens, published in Scotland (where The Island Review is based).

Happy reading,

Iona x

2 responses to “Published”

  1. Paul Paterson Avatar

    Hello Iona
    I loved this piece. Such a sense of peace and connection from the landscape interwoven with the sadness of the situation.
    It’s the landscape, our environment, and our connection to it that informs so much of my writing as well. My wife and I were lucky enough to visit your amazingly beautiful country in 2000 when we went traveling for 6 months. Such power there. It was our favourite of all the countries we visited. You’re very lucky!
    Good luck with all your future writings.
    All the best

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Iona Winter Avatar

      Kia ora Paul,
      Thanks so much for your generous feedback.
      Yes, the beautiful landscape here in Aotearoa, in my backyard, has an immense power. And you’ve been here too – I’m so glad you and your wife enjoyed our wee part of the world.
      Ngā mihi nui ki a koe, best wishes to you too,


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